Cyber security (Online Security) Threat or attacks and the Regulations is an earnest attempt to show the inner side of cyber crimes. There are many cyber crimes are happening on every day basis. Rather it is happening on every second basis. Some facts like 1 out of 5 e-mail messages that corporate servers receive are spam and 1 out of 20 is infected with malicious software (software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. Consumer Reports released a report in 2006 showing that United States consumers would spend $7.8 billion over the last two years for computer repairs and replacements because security attacks like malicious software and viruses are unbelievable.

Cyber security (Online Security) is about safeguarding or securing your online identity (cyber identity) from any threat or attack that may use you confidential or valuable data and information without authority or your knowledge, protect you machine from different threat or attacks like viruses, worms, spy ware, and mal-ware. When these threat or attacks are blended together, they can overload and shut down systems and resources.
Everybody seems to rely on online identity (cyber identity) nowadays, bill payments can be done online, communication, transportation, entertainment and other aspects of our lives depend or influenced by computers. This is why computer or Cyber security (Online Security) threat or attacks are important to be dealt immediately.
There are different kinds of online identity (cyber identity) threat or attacks, for example, our browsers are not that safe anymore. Browsers have vulnerabilities where expert hackers can exploit codes and passwords. Hackers would use even our trusted websites to make these attacks. This is why software manufacturers are investing on security to setup tools that would protect users even on trusted sites.
Another alarming online identity (cyber identity) threat or attack is that there are an increased number of incidents where national records are extracted. Economic data of a nation or state can fall victims to cyber theft. National and state governments are not the only victims, in the United Kingdom cyber theft is recognized to be among the biggest crime in the country. Cyber theft could include credit card fraud, illegal bank transfers and phishing attacks.
Phising attacks are fraudulent processes where sensitive personal and financial information are asked from an individual. People would fall victims to phish

ing scams since they pose as legal and trustworthy institutions, they are normally send out through emails and instant messaging.
Computers are not the only targets of cyber threat or attacks, mobile phones are also being attacked by worms, viruses, and malicious software. Mobile phones are very susceptible to hackers and also viruses. Old cellphones can be immune to viruses, but new cell phones, the smart ones, because of their standardized operating system are now in risk of viruses.
Multimedia messaging services or MMS can send multiple copies of the phone address book or copy the phone book into a new handset just within a couple of minutes. Aside from that it could also infect other phones within the area and disrupt communication protocols.
Cyber-terrorism is also another increasing Cyber security (Online Security) threat or attack experienced by users. Some experts would say that cyber terrorism is just the same as hacking. But experts would agree that it is intended to create or start fear, physical harm or death by using electronic methods.
An example would be the case in Romania, where terrorists were able to control the life support systems in an Antartic research station, putting 58 scientists in danger. This kind of attack can affect a great deal of people, weaken the economy and even make the country vulnerable to military attacks.
Another common Cyber security (Online Security) problem would be the attacks of people themselves, like disgruntled employees. In a survey conducted by the Nucleus Research and Knowledge Storm, 1 out 3 workers would jot down their passwords. This is not the best security practice since jotted down passwords can be lost and used by unsatisfied workers.

There is increasing number of Cyber security (Online Security) threat or attacks that needs to be addressed immediately. Long-term plans and solutions should be created to address the increasing number of victims. While we wait for government and organizations to come up with long-term solutions, it is our individual responsibility to make sure that we keep our personal and work-related information safe.
Cyber security (Online Security) is meant to protect personal and work-related confidential or valuable data and information stored in our computer and personal websites. With the increase of individuals, organizations, and members of the community falling prey to cyber crimes and security attacks, there is an increase in demands for more measures to be taken.
Alarmingly, the number of people getting affected Cyber security (Online Security) attacks is increasing. According to a research by Panda Software in 2006, 1 out of 5 e-mail messages that corporate servers receive are spam and 1 out of 20 is infected with malicious software. Consumer Reports released a report in 2006 showing that United States consumers would spend $7.8 billion over the last two years for computer repairs and replacements because security attacks like malicious software and viruses.
Security attacks like these do not only cost an individual repair, businesses, organizations and the national economy could suffer losses. In 2005, cyber crime led to a loss of whopping $130.1 million, all because of viruses, unauthorized access to computer systems and personal and financial information theft.
There are numerous measures that should be taken by the government to help resolve cyber crimes and attacks. In the United States, there are different legislations in the executive and Congress level that are meant to protect computer systems and other medium of information technology. This is called cyber-security regulations.
Cyber –security regulations is to make sure that companies and private institutions would be using or safeguarding or securing their systems from any cyber attacks like viruses, worms, phishing, denial of service and unauthorized access.
The United States Chamber of Commerce said that there are about 64 % of small businesses that are getting protection for their systems to protect their customer’s financial information. While there are about 72 % of businesses expressed concern about security of the company’s assets and information.

In the United States, there are cyber-security regulations, for both federal and estate governments. For federal government Cyber security (Online Security) regulations, they focus mainly on specific industries and fields, healthcare, organizations, financial institutions and agencies that work with systems and information. Unfortunately, this regulation does not reach and cover computer related industries like Internet Service Providers (ISP).
Additional to this, the federal government is also trying to resolve issues of Cyber security (Online Security) breach by allocating more funds in research and programs directed to research better solutions and recommendations for improving Cyber security (Online Security). The government is collaborating with members of the private sector.
Meanwhile, states are forming their own methods of dealing with security attacks. An example is the regulation passed by the California State in 2003 called Notice of Security Breach Act. Different states have followed the example of California and created their own anti-breach regulations and standard procedure.
There has been an ongoing debate about Cyber security (Online Security) regulation. There are people who comments that creating a regulation is not the answer and not enough, what is needed is better defences against hackers, viruses and similar threat or attacks. The regulation is said to restrict industries to develop programs and software that would boost Cyber security (Online Security). Aside form this, businesses also fears that having the regulation will cut back their healthy profits since they would meet more limitations and would cost them more.
But in spite of regulations and software that could protect your computer and systems, still the best way to boost Cyber security (Online Security) is preventing any attacks from happening in the first place. There are easy tips that could be followed to avoid cyber attacks from happening.