US-CERT, United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, the operational arm of the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is a public-private partnership. US-CERT located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area is charged with providing response support and defence against cyber attacks for the Federal Civil Executive Branch and information sharing and collaboration with state and local government, industry and international partners. US-CERT interacts with federal agencies, industry, the research community,

state and local governments, and others to disseminate reasoned and actionable cyber security information to the public. Information is available from the US-CERT web site, mailing lists, and RSS channels. US-CERT, United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, including implementation of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace also provides a way for citizens, businesses, and other institutions to communicate and coordinate directly with the United States government about cyber security.
US-CERT, United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, provide you General and in depth information on General security, Attacks and threats, Email and communication, Mobile devices, Privacy, Safe browsing and Software and applications. The topics covered are like
1. Why is Cyber Security a Problem?
2. Guidelines for Publishing Information Online
3. Understanding Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
4. Choosing and Protecting Passwords
5. Understanding Anti-Virus Software
6. Understanding Firewalls
7. Coordinating Virus and Spyware Defense

8. Debunking Some Common Myths
9. Good Security Habits
10. Safeguarding Your Data
11. Real-World Warnings Keep You Safe Online
12. Keeping Children Safe Online
13. Dealing with Cyberbullies
14. Understanding Hidden Threats: Corrupted Software Files
15. Understanding Hidden Threats: Rootkits and Botnets
16. Preventing and Responding to Identity Theft
17. Recovering from Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses
18. Recognizing and Avoiding Spyware
19. Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks
20. Understanding Denial-of-Service Attacks
21. Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends
22. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Online Trading
23. Understanding Your Computer: Email Clients
24. Using Caution with Email Attachments
25. Reducing Spam
26. Benefits and Risks of Free Email Services
27. Benefits of Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
28. Understanding Digital Signatures
29. Using Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms Safely
30. Staying Safe on Social Network Sites
31. Protecting Portable Devices: Physical Security
32. Protecting Portable Devices: Data Security
33. Using Caution with USB Drives
34. Securing Wireless Networks
35. Cybersecurity for Electronic Devices
36. Defending Cell Phones and PDAs Against Attack
37. How Anonymous Are You?
38. Protecting Your Privacy
39. Understanding Encryption
40. Effectively Erasing Files
41. Supplementing Passwords
42. Understanding Your Computer: Web Browsers

43. Evaluating Your Web Browser's Security Settings
44. Shopping Safely Online
45. Browsing Safely: Understanding Active Content and Cookies
46. Understanding Web Site Certificates
47. Understanding Internationalized Domain Names
48. Understanding Bluetooth Technology
49. Avoiding Copyright Infringement
50. Understanding Patches
51. Understanding Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
52. Risks of File-Sharing Technology
53. Reviewing End-User License Agreements
54. Understanding Your Computer: Operating Systems
Learn more about US-CERT at
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team